When I enrolled for a Fine Arts degree at the University of Natal in 1972, I took a leap in faith and pledged my life to becoming a painter. An artist. I had no idea what it would entail, but committed my life to finding out. I am still at it.
By third year I was given to figurative painting, oil on canvas, with an interest in human physiognomy. I undertook an intensive tour of European galleries during the break before fourth year, to confront paintings studied in our three-year history of art course. In all I saw, the genius draughtsmanship, unfathomable techniques and imaginations of men like Roger van der Wyden, Jan van Eyck, Caravaggio and Goya struck me as the most exceptional. In all three art schools I attended, abstract painting was favoured. It was the time of Neo Expressionism. I was out on a limb in my pursuit of verisimilitude and experimenting with the image, but this exposure cemented my choice of direction.